INTEGER WAR - A fun game to practice Integers!

Split the Deck: 2 Cards vs 2 Cards: Compare your totals!

Black Cards = + Red Cards = -

Practice +, -, x and /: Highest Total Wins! Play for 10 min. or until no cards left.

+1 pt, 13pts 12pts, 11pts, 10 pts, 9pts

ADDITION - Think Numberlines!

SUBTRACTION - Think A.T.O. (Add the Opposite!)

MULTIPLICATION & DIVISION - Like Terms = + answer / Unlike Terms = - answer!


Integer - 1st Down

Integer Football

Integers Jeopardy

Test Practice

25 Min. - Max!

Place eight integers on a number line. Five of them must be negative.
No two consecutive integers may be the same distance apart.
All intervals must be unique between consecutive integers!