Metcalfe PS
Powerpoint (Slideshow) Rubric
Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mr. Fitch


Appropriate background. Choice of background is appropriate for the topic. Uses more than one background. Background is not distracting from the text. Choice of background is appropriate for the topic. Background is not distracting from the text. Background makes it difficult to see text or competes with other graphics on the page.



Text - Font Choice & Formatting
Font / font colour are chosen to make the writing easy to read. The student has chosen to use more then one font. Font / font colour are chosen to make the writing easy to read. Font / font colour are chosen but may make content hard to read. Font / font colour makes it very difficult to read the material.
Use of Graphics
All graphics are attractive and support the content of the presentation. Some graphics are not attractive but all support the content of the presentation. All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the content of the presentation. Several graphics are unattractive AND no not correspond to the content of the presentation.
Spelling and Grammar
Presentation has no misspelling or grammatical errors. Presentation has no misspelling or grammatical errors. Presentation has some grammatical errors and some misspelling. Presentation has numerous grammatical and/or spelling errors.
10 + slides. 6-10 slides. 4 or 5 slides. Less then 4 slides.





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