ACROSS 2. Type of camp Mr. Sir always said Camp Green Lake wasn't. 4. Stanley's great grandfather was a pig ? 6. The boys consumed this after leaving the boat 7. Stanley's home smells of 10. The fastest digger in Tent D 14. Mr. Sir quit smoking & starting eating ? 17. Stanley's first friend? 18. Stanley first found 20. Hector's surname 21. The onion man 23. The doctor in Green Lake before the lake dried up 24. Kate Barlow was an DOWN 1. Stanley's attorney's surname 3. Number one rule is not to upset the? 5. Kissin' Kate Barlow's name as a school teacher 8. Novel?s Protagonist 9. The boys were digging to build? 11. Clyde Livingston's nickname 12. Armpit's given name 13. The boys at Camp Green Lake wake up at 15. Mr. Sir gave up 16. Trout Walker's spouse 19. Where Stanley's great grandfather took refuge 22. The novel's author