Here are some questions to think about while you prepare to present your ideas.

  1. Make sure you gather enough evidence to back up your argument: Do I have proof to back up what I want to say?
  2. Organize your thoughts clearly and logically: Will my audience be really clear about what I have said?
  3. Use strong, convincing language:Do I sound confident?Have I used too many over-used words like good, very, really, like, etc
  4. Repeat, rephrase key ideas: Will my audience hear what I want to say?Will my main points stick with them?
  5. Make eye contact with everyone in the room: Do I make everyone in my audience feel as if I am talking directly to them?
  6. Vary your voice: Do I sound monotonous? HaveI varied the pace? Have I varied the volume, saving my loudest voice for the points I really want to drive home?
  7. Use appropriate gestures: Does my body language emphasize what I want to say?
  8. Prepare for rebuttal: Have I considered what the opposition will say; am I prepared to argue against it?
  9. Prepare for questions: Have I considered what questions will be asked of me? Am I prepared to answer them convincingly?
  10. Practice, practice, practice:Am I really prepared?


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