TITLE: _______________________ AUTHOR: ______________________


  1. SETTING - When (year, season, past, present, future, etc...) & where did the story take place? Be specific. (Paragraph form - minimum 5 sentences) Give proof from the book. Time & Place


  1. CHARACTERS - Main Character: Who is the story about? Personality? Appearance? Fill out the TAW for this character.
    Describe your character. (What they SAY, DO & THINK.) Thoughts, Actions & Words (Quote them from the book).
    This will help you form your opinion of them. Eg. brave, smart, immature, curious, selfish, generous, etc...





  1. OTHER CHARACTERS - Describe at least two more characters and explain their importance to the story. Define their relationship with the protagonist. Fill out the TAW for these characters.





  1. PLOT - What is the problem or goal? What does the protagonist try to achieve?


  1. EPISODES - (SCENES) What happened in the story? Please list 4 or 5 main events.


  1. RESOLUTION - (PROBLEM SOLVER) - How was the problem solved / goal achieved? Was the method believable / intriguing / realistic?


  1. IMPRESSION - Did you enjoy the book? Would you recommend it? Why? Explain with examples what the strengths and weaknesses of the book were. (Paragraph form - min. 5 sentences)



Grade 7's should read at least 400 pages / term.