

Trick or Treat! Halloween is when children wear scary or nice costumes like ghosts, mummies, skeletons, princesses and maybe even Frankenstein. All the little children from each neighbourhood go out to each of the houses to collect candy. This candy may rot your teeth! Sometimes you get scared when people pop out of ditches or trees. If you've outgrown trick-or-treating door to door, then you can watch scary movies with the lights out.
Everyone puts jack-o-lanterns on their doorsteps with candles inside. Zombies and ghosts may scare the living daylights out of you. Don't worry if this happens, simply insert them back into your mouth. Halloween is supposed to be the scariest time of the year. Friday the 13th can be a real spookfest too.

Homework Helpers

Students' Halloween Poems

A Crossword

A Wordsearch