Name: ____________________ Date: ____________ Class: _________


The following questions require full paragraph responses.


  1. Examine the immigration posters. How does it present Canada & the West?


  1. If you had a job of attracting vast numbers of settlers to the Canadian West in the 1890’s, how would you do it?


  1. Do these posters depict an accurate view of Western Canada? Explain why / why not?


  1. Discuss 3 of the example posters shown. Explain how they are effective? Who is the intended audience? How would you improve these posters?

Describe the symbols /images used in them to convince people to immigrate to Western Canada.


  1. Find two other posters from this time period. You can print them off the internet or sketch them by hand.

These posters must not be on example page from our class website.


  1. Design your own poster advertising Western Canada to potential immigrants during this time period (1870 - 1910). You may use any size, shape & type of paper.

Include a ½ page write up explaining the choices you made in your poster.




·        Effort / Creativeness

·        Information

·        Appearance

·        Completeness

·        Timeliness

·        Poster Rubric



Hints: Typed work helps, colour on your poster, feedback from folks before handing in.



Project Assigned _________________ Due Date ________________________


* Read over this guide sheet with your folks at the beginning of the project.

FOLK’S / GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE ________________________

* Have a buddy check your work before handing it in.


BUDDY CHECK SIGNATURE _______________________________

* Hand in this sheet with your project.